Wednesday, February 25, 2015

[WSO2 APIM] - The Basic Architecture of WSO2 APIM - Part 2- The Publisher - under the hood

 As a continuation of my previous post  The Basic Architecture of WSO2 APIM - Part 1, this post will concentrate on the publisher module, and its major functions. It is recommended that you read the aforementioned post in order to clearly understand the concepts described in this post.

The Publisher is the starting point of an API life cycle. An API is created at the API Publisher by an API publishers. The Publisher is also a major component in the WSO2 APIM and was introduced in my earlier post.

To start off with let me bring up the basic outline of the Publisher in a graphical mode.

 An API Publisher will ideally interact with the API Publisher module to create and manage an API. The API Publisher is a jaggery web app which provides and easy to work with GUI.

Databases associated with the API Publisher

 The database configuration can be found at <APIM_HOME>/repository /conf/datasources/master-datasources.xml

    - Registry Database
      The db handles all registry related storage.
    - AM_DB
       This db stores information required for the APIM.
       This db stores information such as user permissions.

Logging in 

The end user will log into the API Publisher by entering the username and password in the GUI provided by the web app. Once the credentials are entered the API Publisher will validate it against the authentication manager set in the api-manager.xml found at repository/conf. It is defined under the tag <AuthManager>. This is the server which the Publisher and the store will point to for authentication. By default it will be the embedded LDAP which is the user store which is being pointed by localhost which is started on the APIM server it self. In a typical production deployment this could either be WSO2 IS, or any other IDP (identity provider).

When the end user logs into the API Publisher in a SSO configured environment, it will send a SAML request to the Authentication Server. The Authentication server will process the authentication and send a signed response. The API Publisher then will validate this with the key stores.

Once the authentication is completed it checks for authorization in the UM_DB by checking for publisher permissions. Once the authentication and the authorization succeeds it will succeed in allowing the user to access the API Publisher.

Creating an API

There are two ways of creating an API.
   1. By Filling out the form in the API Publisher web app
   2. By Importing a Swagger doc.

When the API Publsher creates an API, the API information is stored in the Registry Database. This is specifically stored at the governance space of the registry database.Together with the API the swagger document related to the created API is also stored in the Registry database.

When the API is created a synapse config of the API is also stored at the API Gateway. Since the API Gateway is a WSO2 ESB, the API is also capable of having sequences defined in the API definition.

         </custom in sequence>
          </custom out sequence>

In parallel to this, when the APi is created, the AM_DB is also updated. A reference to the API is stored in this database tables. Since we have all the information of the API in the REG_DB, we only store a subset of the API information in the AM_DB, which is required for AM functionality.

When an API is created it is by default in the "created" state.

I hope this gives you a clear understanding on what happens in the publisher end, under the hoods.

In my next few blog posts I am planning to discuss on the  rest of the modules, API Store, and  API Gateway. these will cover the Key manager as well.


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